Entrances and Hallways

When passing at entrances and hallways, be respectful of those walking towards you. Provide wide berths when passing others. Avoid lingering in lobbies, hallways, and other similar spaces. Please follow the designated entry and exit routes and directional arrows indicating paths of travel within each campus building.


When entering a restroom, be aware of other occupants and determine whether you should wait outside to allow for social distancing. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the restroom. Dispose of paper towels in trash receptacles.

Common Areas and Informal Gathering Spaces

Gatherings within 6-feet of separation should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Restrict available seating in common areas, informal gathering spaces, and lounges to reinforce social distancing. Remove pens, magazines, newspapers, and other commonly touched materials in these areas.

Dining Areas and Break Rooms

When available, on-campus food service will only be carry out. Look for food and beverage use guidance at food service locations. Break room use should be for food storage and preparation, not communal dining.

Students and employees are encouraged to take meal breaks at home, in personal vehicles, outside, or off-campus. If individuals have a medical condition and require food for that condition during the time they are on-campus, they may excuse themselves to a private area to take a break. They should clean the area after use, throw trash in an appropriate container, and wash their hands thoroughly. Because masks must be removed to eat which can increase possible spread of COVID-19, everyone is discouraged from eating in the building.

Break room occupancies should be limited to ensure social distancing practices are followed. TUC EH&S can assist supervisors and/or unit heads in determining the maximum occupancies for break rooms. Occupancy limits should be posted at each room.

Frequent cleaning of break room high-touch surfaces should be performed by building occupants post-use, including refrigerator handles, microwaves, water-bottle filling stations, coffee makers, tables and counters, etc.

Outdoor Areas

Social distancing is required in all outdoor settings. Outdoor chairs and seating areas have been reconfigured to promote social distancing. Face coverings are required even when outdoors.


Refrain from having guests on campus unless absolutely necessary. When they are necessary to be on campus, guests, contractors, and vendors must comply with all applicable TUC COVID-19 protection protocols. The TUC hosts of guests, contractors, and vendors are responsible for ensuring they are aware of, and adhere to, our COVID-19 protection protocols. Guests, contractors, and vendors are required to wear face coverings, complete a symptom check before entering the work area and follow any other posted building and local area protocols. Supervisors should ensure a process is established for accommodating non-TUC personnel into their areas.


No more than one person should be in the same office unless 6 feet of distancing can be consistently maintained between office occupants. If more than one person is in an office, masks/face coverings should be worn at all times. A mask is not required if you are working alone in a self-contained office space. A mask must be donned if someone else enters the room. Working in a partitioned work area in a large open environment does not constitute working alone.

Classrooms and Lab Classrooms

Space requirements for teaching spaces and common areas vary depending on the primary activity taking place in the space. Configurations and layouts of each teaching space or common area are provided to the Deans, Program Directors and Chairs to address the unique challenges of each space to adhere to social distancing protocols.

Spaces designed for classroom instruction may be used as an extension of lab teaching spaces to adhere to social distances. Staggering of instructional labs start and end times will be implemented to ease congestion and hallway foot traffic.

Lecture halls can be used as debriefing rooms or for lab activities as scheduled. After use as debriefing rooms or lab activities, the spaces will be cleaned and then may be scheduled by individual seats for student study spaces, as available and safe.

Student Health Center

The patient waiting room area will have seating spaced 6 feet apart. Signage will be posted to ensure patients sit and stand in line according to social distancing recommendations throughout the patient visit.

Research Laboratory Spaces

When working in a laboratory, the normal safety standards still apply, in addition to current COVID-19 standards of physical distancing, enhanced personal hygiene and regular disinfection. Consult EH&S at Peter.Stocks@tu.edu or 707-563-3130 for information.


No more than one person may use an elevator at a time, so please consider using the stairs whenever possible. If you are using the elevator, wear your mask or face covering and avoid touching the elevator buttons with your exposed hand/fingers, if possible. Wash your hands or use approved hand sanitizer upon departing the elevator.

Conference Rooms

Convening in groups increases the risk of viral transmission. Meetings should be conducted remotely even when on campus. Zoom or other technology should be used whenever practical and reasonable. Take into consideration that it is likely that our colleagues will continue working from a variety of on-campus and remote locations.

When in-person meetings are necessary because meeting remotely is not feasible, at least 6-feet separation is required. When possible such meetings should be held in an outdoor venue. This will likely decrease the number of people that can gather in a meeting space and meeting areas will have posted occupancy limits. TUC can assist supervisors and/or unit heads in determining maximum occupancies for meeting rooms. Face coverings are required during all in-person meetings. If you do meet in person, you must meet the restrictions of local, state and federal orders. In-person meetings should not exceed 50 percent of a room's capacity, assuming everyone can still maintain 6 feet of separation for social distancing requirements.

Departments should remove or rearrange chairs and tables or add visual cue marks in meeting rooms to support social distancing practices among attendees. Everyone should wear a mask or face covering while sharing space in a common room.