Student Organization - Academic, Active
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Group Not Registered Yet
Mission APhA Mission: As the voice of pharmacy, the American Pharmacists Association leads the profession and equips members for their role as the medication expert in team-based, patient-centered care. APhA achieves our mission by: • Advancing pharmacists' optimal roles in team-based, patient-centered care. • Providing opportunities for professional development, recognition, differentiation and leadership. • Disseminating timely relevant information and state-of-the are tools and resources. • Raising societal awareness about the role of the pharmacists as essential in patient care for optimal mediation use Creating unique opportunities for members to connect and share with peers across practice settings. CPhA Mission: It is the mission of California Pharmacists Association to promote the health of the public through the practice of pharmacy.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership